I need help in displaying content contained in a repeater field into a toggle element in the Avada theme.
I have created a custom post and added some custom fields including a repeater field called "product_features". The repeater field consists of just 2 sub-fields namely "feature" and "description" where "feature" is text and "description" is a WYSIWYG editor. I have added a number of "feature" and "description" items in each of my posts. The number varies from post to post.
I have created a custom layout template for my custom post.
I want to add the content in my repeater field to a toggle element in my custom post layout where "feature" is in the title of the toggle and "description" is in the content. I want to add it using Avada’s dynamic content. The problem I have is that I cannot get the repeater field’s content to display in the toggle. I have tried using the field name (e.g. feature) but it is not working. Additionally, since each custom post has a different number of "feature" and "description" items, I also need help in having Avada automatically display all the items irrespective of how many items are contained in each post.