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How To Edit Footer in WordPress Website? (Step By Step)

edit footer in WordPress

Are you looking for ways to edit footer in WordPress? You are on the right page. This post shared the depth details about editing the footer area with ease. 

There are many ways to edit the footer area, but we will discuss only that fit your needs and allow you to solve your problem quickly.

Footer area mainly positioned at the end or the bottom of each page on the WordPress website.  The website owner can easily utilize this area and make it the best for the visitors.

So, before knowing about “how to edit footer in WordPress” let’s check what footer means.

What is the Footer in WordPress?

The foot of a webpage is considered footer. In other words, the bottom part of any website that appears at the end of page (number, signature or other) or under the content is called Footer. 

It usually appears on all the pages of the website, which is often ignored by many beginners.

However, sometimes they know about it, but not its value. This is why we have come up and share this informative post edit footer in WordPress to you.

You can customize the footer area and make it more beneficial for the visitors, WordPress SEO, and your business.
The WordPress themes come with a footer section along with a friendly widgets area, which is easy to edit. Also, you can edit the footer.php file template file by using theme editor to remove the unwanted links from the area.

What are the advantages of the Footer area?

The main advantages of using footer area are as follows:

If you’re ignoring the footer section just by thinking readers won’t scroll down your page, then please think it twice. If I add my personal experience then I will work on Footers, because they work for improving website ranking.

On the other hand, study reveals that people do scroll not only for reading, but for exploring the site too. Around 25million sessions, it is believed that many visitors scroll the site at the end, which means your article is viewed 100% from the end, and the top by 15-20%, depending on your quality of article.

Now, the question must pop in your mind “what should be included in WordPress footer?” so you get extra reach and boost in quality traffic.  Let’s find out!

What should you include in WordPress Footer?

There is a list of things you can add in your footer area for improving more traffic and improving SEO.

You can add whatever suits with your website and accomplish your visitor’s needs. You can even take help by seeing big websites like Hubspot, National geographic, Freshly, Apron, etc for edit footer in WordPress.

Editing Widgets in Your Footer in WordPress

As I said earlier, many WordPress themes come with in-built footer sections including widgets, adding text, links, and more. The widgets areas allow you edit footer in WordPress by adding privacy policy, copyright and legal disclaimers at the end.

The images and text can be added easily. You can easily do it by following the simple steps.

Remember, each website has its own footer area that works and uses differently. You have a preview option to check whether the widgets are appearing in a preferable location or not.

How to add links in the footer Widget area?

For internal linking you have to add blogs or other pages links in the footer area. WordPress allows you to manage all those links easily. Moreover, it works for an easy navigation menu for the visitors.

To add links simply follow the given steps:

Your menu is completely ready to add in the WordPress Footer area. To add in your site, follow the given steps:


Removing the ‘Powered by WordPress’ Text from Your Footer

Have you ever seen Powered by WordPress text at the end of a WordPress site? Of course, because when you first start your site you have seen this. Well, it is not a widget, hence there is still mystery, how to edit it.

Many themes have options to alter this while some have not. If you have an option to edit that text then you simply edit footer in WordPress by following the steps:

Adding Code to Your WordPress Footer

If you want to add code snippets to your WordPress site at the footer then this guide will be helpful for you. It often used to connect the site with external pages or apps.

Suppose you want to add social media pages like Pinterest or Facebook to your site, you need to add pinterest’s script to your footer area.

To make it easy for you, we have shared an easy step-by-step guide to do this, so have a look at the following.

Edit footer in WordPress instructions: Play with code only if you know about the coding and you have confidence to do that. Also, it is the most delicate step, so any little mistake can ruin everything.

So, always ensure you are not doing direct changes in footer.php file. Instead you should choose the best practice which is explained above.

Make sure to have a backup of your theme, so in case you are unhappy with changes you can reverse to the previous version.

What modifications can I make to the WordPress footer?

As I said earlier, themes come with different style changing footer content, but the logic remains the same. For basic, let us tell you every theme comes with a few elements like about us, portfolio and several blocks.

The blocks have several rows which further split into columns. Inside the block and rows plus columns you will find components like images, text, videos, lists, etc.

Moving to the edit footer in WordPress let us learn how to change the footer layout, fonts, and colors of the footer.

How to change footer layout, fonts, and color of the footer?

Let’s start editing by selecting the entire footer area. By doing this, you will see many editing options on the left-hand side. Choose layout and here you will make the following edits:

To change the footer background:

To change the footer color:

Mistakes When Editing Footer in WordPress

Here is the list of common mistakes which most people do before edit footer in WordPress.

When you start using WordPress for editing keep in mind you are doing it very well and with a focused mind.  We hope this article finds helpful for you.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q1- How do I edit the footer in WordPress?

Q2- How do I edit the copyright footer in WordPress?

To change the copyright text, follow the given steps.

Q3- How do I create a custom footer in WordPress?

There are two ways to create a custom footer in the WordPress site.

Q4- How do I remove the copyright footer from my WordPress theme?

To remove the copyright footer from the WordPress, do the following steps.

Q5- Where is the footer code in WordPress?

The footer code can be found as follows:
Go to dashboard- Tools and then head and footer code in WordPress.

Q6- How do I add a script to my WordPress footer?

To do this, follow the given steps.

The post How To Edit Footer in WordPress Website? (Step By Step) appeared first on SKT Themes.