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How to Install WordPress on a Separate Subdomain Site (No Multisite Required)

In this post, you will learn how to set up a WordPress site on its own separate subdomain without using Multisite.

Note: This article is intended for WPMU DEV members, as it utilizes features of WPMU DEV hosting. If you are not a member yet, consider joining with our no-risk free trial.

Suppose you run a web agency (e.g. and you would like to use your main website strictly for promotional or marketing purposes but you also want to run a completely separate WordPress installation on a subdomain under the same brand as your main site (i.e. using the same domain).

For example:

To do this, you would normally have to set up a WordPress multisite installation, specify subdomains (instead of subdirectories) in your setup, and then add a new WordPress site to your Multisite network.

But, what if you want to set up and run a completely separate WordPress site on a subdomain without having to go through a Multisite environment?

As this article will show you, you can easily do this by creating an additional WPMU DEV hosted site.

In this tutorial, we’ll cover the following:

Benefits and Drawbacks of Installing WordPress on a Subdomain Without Multisite

Let’s start with the benefits of setting up and maintaining a single subdomain site using the method we’ll show you further below:

Now that we have looked at the benefits, let’s examine some of the drawbacks of installing WordPress on a subdomain without using multisite:

Now that we’ve looked at the benefits and drawbacks, let’s take you through how to set up a separate WordPress subdomain site without installing WordPress Multisite.

How to Install and Set Up a WordPress Subdomain Site Separately from Your Main Site

As stated in our documentation, the configuration shown below only works if both sites are hosted by WPMU DEV and you manage the DNS of the top-level domain in your Hub’s DNS Manager.

Let’s go through the steps.

First, add a new site in The Hub.

Note: Cloning your main site can be a great starting point when creating your subdomain site. So, for this tutorial, we’ll start by cloning our main site.

Let’s add a new subdomain site by cloning our main site.

Unless you are creating a brand new site from scratch, select the website that you’d like to clone.

Select your main site as your cloning source.

Next, select a hosting plan for your new site. After selecting a plan, you will then be asked to create a temporary URL for your new site. Click continue when done.

Enter a temporary URL for your subdomain site.

Select a server location for your new site and click the button. Your new site will be created in just a few minutes.

You will new site will be created in minutes.

Now that you have created your site, let’s set up our subdomain.

In this example, we’ll set up a separate WordPress site under the subdomain

The key to making this work is to add an A record for the subdomain to the main site’s DNS record. This is fully explained in our documentation sections on using subdomains and how to use a subdomain as your primary domain.

Here is a summary of the steps:

First, go to The Hub, select the Hosting section of the site where you want to add your subdomain, click on Domains and copy the site’s IP address.

Select your subdomain site’s IP address.

Next, add a new DNS record in your main domain’s DNS section.

Enter the following information, then click the Add button:

Add a subdomain A record to your main site’s DNS.

Return to the Domains tab of the site where you copied the IP address earlier, click the Add Domain button, enter the full URL of your subdomain (no http:// or https:// and do not check the Add www or Add DNS records options), then click Add Domain when done.

Add your subdomain as shown above, ignoring all other options.

Finally, after the DNS and SSL status are confirmed as working correctly, set your subdomain as your new site’s primary domain.

Set your subdomain as primary.

That’s it! You can now manage your newly added WordPress subdomain site separately from your main site in The Hub.

Your new subdomain site.

Make sure to test your new site, check out our documentation section for a complete step-by-step walkthrough of using subdomains as shown above, and contact our expert support team if you need help or have any questions.

PS: You can also use the above method to migrate a multisite subsite to a single WordPress install and run the site on its own separate subdomain.