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How to position logo at the top right of a custom section and make it responsive? [closed]

I have a logo, background and another image.

I’m trying to create a custom section to have the logo at the top right and have it be responsive.

This is what I have right now. I should note the image above is on a 3440×1440 screen. The code for the custom section is as follows.

<img class="alignright wp-image-1918 size-medium" src="" alt="" width="300" height="212" />
<img class="alignright size-full wp-image-1928" src="" alt="" width="1080" height="400" />

I want the logo to be way in the top right and the other image centered. This should also be responsive so that the logo appears correctly in all screen sizes. I’m not used to developing on WordPress so this may be the wrong way to do this, appreciate suggestions. I’m using OnePress Theme.