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How to set "manage categories" capabilities on a post type taxonomy but not on the general categories?

I want to set “manage_categories” capabilities on a post_type taxonomy but not on the general categories?

I’ve added to register_taxonomy:

        'manage_terms'          => 'manage_categories',
        'edit_terms'            => 'manage_categories',
        'delete_terms'          => 'manage_categories',
        'assign_terms'          => 'read'
        'edit_post'             => 'edit_video',
        'read_post'             => 'read_video',
        'delete_post'           => 'delete_video',
        'delete_others_videos'  => 'delete_others_videos',
        'edit_posts'            => 'edit_videos',
        'edit_others_posts'     => 'edit_others_videos',
        'publish_posts'         => 'publish_videos',
        'read_private_posts'    => 'read_private_videos',

How do I prevent this user from managing the general site’s categories and edit only these post type taxonomies categories?

What should I add?