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How you can show the variety of articles revealed per person

How you can show the variety of articles revealed per person excluding customers who don’t publish articles. My message kind is recipe. I wish to obtain a code to get there in wp-query
thanks very a lot on your assist

I offer you a bit of code.
Because of this code I’m able to show the full variety of recipes, however I’d have favored to have this:
Person A posted 14 cooking recipes, Person B posted 2 cooking recipes
person member1 ought to have 2 recipes

// 1. We outline the arguments to outline what we need to recuperate 
$args = array ( 'post_type' => 'recipe', 'posts_per_page' => '16', );

// 2. We run the WP Question 
// The Question 
$the_query = new WP_Query ($args);

// 3. we show the variety of messages and the authors!
 // The Loop 
if ($the_query-> have_posts ()) {
 echo count_user_posts (2, $args); 
echo 'recipes for'; 
echo get_the_author (2, $args); 
echo '<br>'; 
echo count_user_posts (1, $args); 
echo 'recipes for';
 echo get_the_author (1, $args);

// 3. We launch the loop to show the articles and the authors! 
// The Loop 
echo '<ul>'; 
whereas ($the_query-> have_posts ()) ​{ 
$the_query-> the_post (); 
echo '<li>'. get_the_title (). '<li>'; 
echo '<li>'. get_the_author (). '<li>';
​echo '<ul>';
​else { 
// no posts discovered }
/ * Restore authentic Publish Information * / 
wp_reset_postdata ();