this is the website that I am trying to fix "". In the homepage the image slider is only loading continuously but showing nothing. I don’t have web development programming knowledge. I have attached the header.php file below. If I delete the following lines
from the header.php the the total slider is gone from the homepage but I need the slider and I don’t know which line is doing the trick and how to add an image link there. I can delete these lines and add smart slider 3 php code inside the code and get a fix but I want to know how to fix the existing code. Thanks a lot.
$default_colorscheme) $colorSchemePath = strtolower($colorScheme) . ‘/’; ?>
; charset=” />
” type=”text/css” media=”screen” />
RSS Feed” href=”” />
Atom Feed” href=”” />
” />
” type=”text/css” media=”screen” />
RSS Feed” href=”” />
Atom Feed” href=”” />
” />
/css/ie6style.css” />
DD_belatedPNG.fix(‘img#logo, #cat-nav-left, #cat-nav-right, #search-form, #cat-nav-content,, .slide .description, div.overlay, a#prevlink, a#nextlink, .slide a.readmore, .slide a.readmore span, .recent-cat .entry .title, #recent-posts .entry, .footer-widget ul li, #tabbed-area ul#tab_controls li span’);
/css/ie7style.css” />
/css/ie8style.css” />
document.documentElement.className = ‘js’;
function disableThreeLinks(){
var servicesMenu = document.getElementById(“menu-item-364”);
var projectsMenu = document.getElementById(“menu-item-363”);
var modelingToolsMenu = document.getElementById(“menu-item-362″);
servicesMenu.firstChild.onclick = function(){ return false; };
projectsMenu.firstChild.onclick = function(){ return false; };
modelingToolsMenu.firstChild.onclick = function(){ return false; };
onload=”disableThreeLinks()” >
document.location.href = “../’.$newUrl.'” ‘);
<div id="header-top" class="clearfix">
<div class="container clearfix">
<!-- Start Logo -->
<?php $colorFolder = '';
if ( $colorScheme == 'Light' || $colorScheme == 'Red' || $colorScheme == 'Blue') $colorFolder = $colorSchemePath; ?>
<h1 style="position: absolute; top: -9999px; left: -9999px;">Dynamic Solutions</h1>
<a href="<?php bloginfo('url'); ?>">
<?php $logo = (get_option('thesource_logo') <> '') ? get_option('thesource_logo') : get_bloginfo('template_directory').'/images/'.$colorFolder.'logo.png'; ?>
<img src="<?php echo esc_url($logo); ?>" alt="<?php echo esc_attr(get_bloginfo('name')); ?>" id="logo"/>
<p id="slogan"><?php bloginfo('description'); ?></p>
<!-- End Logo -->
<!-- Start Page-menu -->
<div id="page-menu">
<div id="p-menu-left"> </div>
<div id="p-menu-content">
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if ($primaryNav == '') show_page_menu($menuClass);
else echo($primaryNav); ?>
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<!-- End Page-menu -->
<div id="cat-nav" class="clearfix">
<div id="cat-nav-left"> </div>
<div id="cat-nav-content">
<?php $menuClass = 'superfish nav clearfix';
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if (function_exists('wp_nav_menu')) $secondaryNav = wp_nav_menu( array( 'theme_location' => 'secondary-menu', 'container' => '', 'fallback_cb' => '', 'menu_class' => $menuClass, 'echo' => false ) );
if ($secondaryNav == '') show_categories_menu($menuClass);
else echo($secondaryNav); ?>
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<!-- End Searchbox -->
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</div> <!-- end #cat-nav -->
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</div> <!-- end #header-top -->
<?php if ( (is_home() || is_front_page()) && get_option('thesource_featured') == 'on' ) get_template_part('includes/featured'); ?>
<div id="content">
<?php if (!is_home()) { ?>
<div id="content-top-shadow"></div>
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