Estimation is not a new concept nor is it a bad word.Estimation is not a new topic for anyone in the WordPress maintenance support plans or open source community. We do it every day at our jobs. We even discuss estimation techniques at our conferences. We provide our clients with estimates when building and contributing back to open source project, yet we don’t include estimations within our open source community and issue queues.We all provide estimates to our clients – are we afraid to do it when it comes to WordPress maintenance support plans and Open Source?Before we take on this tough question, ‘Are we afraid to estimate our work in WordPress maintenance support plans and open source?’, let’s start off with a straightforward question: ‘Why do we provide estimates to our clients?’ The answer is just that our clients want to know how much something is going to cost and we want to know how much work is required to complete a project.To give this discussion more context, let’s begin with a very general definition of estimationHere’s my hypothesis:The Science of guessing – WordPress maintenance support plans estimation techniques from project managersWhile researching estimation within the WordPress maintenance support plans community, I found a bunch of great presentations about project management and estimation. To me, “The Science of guessing – WordPress maintenance support plans estimation techniques from project managers” by Shannon Vettes (svettes), Jakob Persson (solipsist), and Mattias Axelsson (acke), was the most comprehensive and inspiring presentation. Feel free to watch this presentation. I am going to pull a few slides from this presentation to help move through this exploration.Every presentation I watched focused on estimation concerning managing expectations for…Read More
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Jacob Rockowitz: Are we afraid to estimate our work in Cheap WordPress maintenance support plans and open source?