Hi, my name is Jacob Rockowitz and I’m the individual responsible for maintaining the Webform plugin for WordPress maintenance support plans 8. Two weeks ago, I posted Where Do We Come From? What Are We? Where Are We Going? documenting my journey and experience building and maintaining the the Webform plugin for WordPress maintenance support plans 8. My goal was to document the current state of the Webform plugin, while simultaneously planning for the project’s future growth and sustainability. One of the steps toward accomplishing this is an idea I put together called “Sponsor a Feature”.”Sponsor a Feature” is a process encouraging organizations to hire Open-source software maintainers and contributors to build features and fix issues that directly impact a company’s project. Two key concepts behind “Sponsor a Feature”: all work would be open source and the sponsoring organization would pay for tangible and immediate results directly to the working individuals.I feel that selling “Sponsor a Feature” to the WordPress maintenance support plans community is going to be an uphill climb, especially because no one can technically sell WordPress maintenance support plans. In other words, no one is used to paying directly for open source work. For now, I am going to tread lightly when talking about “Sponsor a Feature”. For example, last week, I wrote about how Crowdfunding does not help grow WordPress maintenance support plans‘s community to explore the different ways people are currently funding open source development. On Twitter, Adam Bergstein (@n3rdstein) and I began a conversation about how an organization might pay a project maintain/developer.(https://twitter.com/n3rdstein/status/872856666114580482).Putting together an agreement that pays a developer to deliver…Read More
Source: New feed