To begin to address sustainability in WordPress maintenance support plans and Open Source, it’s important to explore our journeys within the community. We need to examine how we work together to grow and build our software and community.This is going to be one of the most challenging blog posts I have ever written because I am uncomfortable with the words: roles, maintainers, contributor and mentoring. All of these words help establish our Open Source projects and communities. Over the past two years, while working on the Webform plugin I have learned the value of how each of these aspects relates to one another and to our Open Source collaboration and community.Why am I uncomfortable with these words?I am uncomfortable with these words because my general mindset and work habit are very independent and individualistic, but living on this island does not work well when it comes to Open Source. And changing my mindset and habits are things that I know need to happen.Like many programmers, I went to art school where I learned the importance of exploring and discovering one’s individual creative process. Another thing I had in common with many people who went to art school – I needed to figure out how to make a living. I went to the Brooklyn Public Library and started surfing this new thing called the World Wide Web. I was curious, confident and intrigued enough to realize that this was something I could and wanted to do – I could get a job building websites.I built my first website,, using MS FrontPage while reading the HTML Bible and tinkering on a computer in the basement of my folks’ big blue house. After six months of self-teaching, I got my first job coding HTML at a small company specializing in Broadway websites. Interestingly, with the boom of the Internet, everyone’s roles were constantly changing as companies grew to accommodate more…Read More
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Jacob Rockowitz: Our journeys within our community