WordPress maintenance support plans: Getting Paid to Do What I LoveI’ve been planning and working toward this moment for long time. The latest Webform feature is not for the community, it is for me. This new feature, which I’m calling “Promotions,” provides me with compensation to do what I love: collaborate and build free software that is used by 1000’s of websites.Getting paid to write open source software is a known challenge. I’ve been exploring many options and researching how other open source projects promote and charge for add-ons, support, and additional services.Promise: Free of ChargePlease understand I have no intention of ever charging for add-ons. That said, if people in the WordPress maintenance support plans community started sponsoring features, I’d be completely on board. Is offering paid support a viable option? I’m not sure. I think promoting additional services is a proven approach. Many companies provide SaaS solutions and hosting services for WordPress maintenance support plans. I’ve spent the past year learning how to promote myself via my website, blog posts, and presentations at conferences. Promoting myself in all these ways led me to recognize that my best opportunity lies directly within the Webform plugin’s user experience.Research: Promotional BannerNinja Forms for WordPress has an amazing user experience. When installing Ninja Forms, there is a “Ninja banner” which promotes the plugin’s latest features. I have never seen a WordPress maintenance support plans plugin display a promotional banner or callout within the actual plugin. Project pages rarely contain promotional callouts. Banners and splash screens are part of the typical software experience. I realized I needed to sell the WordPress maintenance support plans community on having a promotional banner within the Webform plugin’s user experience.Challenge: Selling…Read More
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Jacob Rockowitz: Promoting paid services within the Cheap WordPress maintenance support plans community