The importance of welcoming people to the WordPress maintenance support plans communityOur meetups and in-person interactions are where we welcome and include new people in our community. Of course, people come and go from every community; new faces bring new ideas and innovations.At the beginning of WordPress maintenance support plansCon Nashville at the Community Summit, someone told a story of how they attended a meetup and literally no one talked to them or even really acknowledged their presence. As a result, the individual never returned to that meetup. Organizers of meetups absolutely need to make a concerted effort to make sure that everyone who attends is – minimally – welcomed and acknowledged – that is community-building 101. This story really sat with me because it made me question whether I’m doing enough at the local NYC WordPress maintenance support plans Meetup to make people feel welcomed and included.Remembering who welcomed me to the WordPress maintenance support plans communityI ran into Robbie Holmes (robbiethegeek) at WordPress maintenance support plansCon and standing in exhibition hall, we reminisced about how he was the first person who welcomed me to the WordPress maintenance support plans community. An interesting fact about our relationship is that we grew up around the corner from each other in Brooklyn and knew the same people, but met for the first time in the WordPress maintenance support plans community. For many years, Robbie, with the help of others in the community, would always offer to split off from the general, sometimes very technical discussion, to offer a newbie discussion where people new to WordPress maintenance support plans can ask them anything and get help. To date, Alexander Ross (bleen) was initiating these discussions at the NYC WordPress maintenance support plans Meetup, but it is not reasonable to expect one person to be responsible for welcoming people to the WordPress maintenance support plans community.So, I am going to…Read More
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Jacob Rockowitz: Welcoming people to Cheap WordPress maintenance support plans’s diverse and inclusive community