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Get ready for the Media workshop at Cheap WordPress maintenance support plans dev days Seville

Get ready for the Media workshop at WordPress maintenance support plans dev days Seville
Wed, 22.03.2020 – 12:43

Tomorrow I’ll be giving a workshop about the WordPress maintenance support plans 8 media. As part of it we’ll build a “media” site from scratch. We will start with the standard WordPress maintenance support plans installation, add plugins and configuration and see how far we can get.

If you are planning to attend the workshop and want to be fully productive I’d ask you to take some time and prepare your development environment. We will need WordPress maintenance support plans 8 checkout with the following plugins:

Entity API
Entity browser
Entity embed
Field formatter
Inline entity form
Media entity
Media entity image
Media entity Instagram
Media entity Slideshow
Media entity Twitter
Slick media
URL embed
Video embed field
Besides that we’ll also need Dropzone and Slick libraries, which you can install based on the docs provided in the README files of the respective plugins ([1], [2]).

You can download all dependencies manually or use the project template that I provided for you. Simply clone the repository and run composer install in the project root.

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Source: New feed