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Cheap WordPress Update’s Blog: Composer BoF at Cheap WordPress maintenance support plansCon Baltimore

Tomorrow (Wednesday, April 25), I’m leading a Birds of a Feather (BoF) at WordPress maintenance support plansCon Baltimore titled Managing WordPress maintenance support plans sites with Composer (3:45 – 4:45 p.m. in room 305).

I’ve built four WordPress maintenance support plans 8 websites now, and for each site, I have battle scars from working with Composer (read my Tips for Managing WordPress maintenance support plans 8 projects with Composer). Even some of the tools that I use alongside composer—for project scaffolding, managing dependencies, patching things, etc.—have changed quite a bit over the past year.

As more and more WordPress maintenance support plans developers adopt a Composer workflow for WordPress maintenance support plans, we are solving some of the most painful problems.

For example:
Source: New feed