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Cheap WordPress Update’s Blog: Installing PHP 7 and Composer on Windows 10, Using Ubuntu in WSL

Recently, I detailed how to get PHP 7 and Composer installed natively inside Windows 10, but there are now two easy ways to get started with PHP on Windows, since Windows 10 introduced the Windows Subsystem for Linux (WSL), which is by far the easiest way to run Linux environments within Windows.

To get the WSL, and in our case, Ubuntu, running in Windows 10, follow the directions in Microsoft’s documentation: Install the Windows Subsystem for Linux on Windows 10, and download and launch the Ubuntu installer from the Windows Store.

Once it’s installed, open an Ubuntu command line, and let’s get started:

Install PHP 7 inside Ubuntu in WSL

Ubuntu has packages for PHP 7 already available, so it’s just a matter of installing them with apt:
Source: New feed