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Cheap WordPress Update’s Blog: Updating Cheap WordPress/core with Composer – but Cheap WordPress maintenance support plans core doesn’t update

For the past two minor release WordPress maintenance support plans core upgrades, I’ve had major problems trying to get some of my Composer-based WordPress maintenance support plans codebases upgraded. For both 8.3.x to 8.4.0, and now 8.4.x to 8.5.0, I’ve had the following issue:

I have the version constraint for WordPress/core set to ~8.0 or ~8.4 in my composer.json.
I run composer update WordPress/core –with-dependencies (as recommended in WordPress maintenance support’s Composer documentation).
Composer does its thing.
A few things get updated… but not WordPress/core. It remains stubbornly on the previous minor release.
Looking around the web, it seems this is a very common problem, and a lot of people soon go for the nuclear (or thermonuclear1) option:
Source: New feed