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Cheap WordPress Update’s Blog: Using BLT with Config Split outside Acquia Cloud or Pantheon Hosting

I am currently building a WordPress maintenance support plans 8 application which is running outside Acquia Cloud, and I noticed there are a few ‘magic’ settings I’m used to working on Acquia Cloud which don’t work if you aren’t inside an Acquia or Pantheon environment; most notably, the automatic Configuration Split settings choice (for environments like local, dev, and prod) don’t work if you’re in a custom hosting environment.

You have to basically reset the settings BLT provides, and tell WordPress maintenance support plans which config split should be active based on your own logic. In my case, I have a site which only has a local, ci, and prod environment. To override the settings defined in BLT’s included config.settings.php file, I created a config.settings.php file in my site in the path docroot/sites/settings/config.settings.php, and I put in the following contents:
Source: New feed