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Learn how to take away web page title from wp head on particular web page? [closed]

I am attempting to take away web page title from a template. Really I am utilizing customized in title for singledigital.php template, and wp_head additionally including web page title on this web page. So i wish to take away it. I’ve tried following trick.

I added an motion for singledigital.php in my youngster theme’s operate.php

operate remove_page_title(){
    remove_action('wp_head', 'theme_slug_render_title');
add_action( 'singledigital.php', 'remove_page_title' );

Then added this do_action( 'singledigital.php' ); in singledigital.php. However this doesn’t working. Can anybody information me how am i able to do this sort of activity. I want to recognize if somebody information me. Thank You.

As Requested within the feedback I added header.php Code

    $cpCatTitleR = get_query_var('cat_slug');
    $catPageObj = get_category_by_slug($cpCatTitleR); 
    $catPageID = $catPageObj->term_id;
    $catPage_option = get_option('taxonomy_'.$catPageID);

    if(!empty($cpCatTitleR) && !empty($catPage_option['category_meta_page_title']) ){?>
        <title><?php echo $catPage_option['category_meta_page_title']; ?> </title>
        <meta identify="description" content material="<?php echo $catPage_option['category_meta_page_description']; ?>"/>
    <?php }