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Looping over wordpress meta to create `<TextControl>` ‘s?

I’m looking for an intelligent way to iterate over available post meta, preferably by using the prefix _postcode_pricing_, and create new <TextControl> components for each. Really, I have two questions as I’m still fairly new to react and WordPress/scripts together.

Question One:

Does select("core/editor").getEditedPostAttribute("meta") get the whole post meta?

Question Two:

How would one iterate over the resulting post meta (if it gets it all) getting each, _postcode_pricing_ option, and creating a <TextControl> for each?

This is my current code, hopefully, you can see where I’m trying to go with it. (This snippet doesn’t work, and I don’t expect it to. I’m only providing it in the hopes it helps you understand my question.)

const TextController = (props) => {
  // Get post meta
  const meta = useSelect((select) =>

  const { editPost } = useDispatch("core/editor");

  // loop through the meta array creating textFields as we go.
  var metaOptions = meta;
  for ($i = 0, $size = count(metaOptions); $i < $size; ++$i) {
          label={__("META FIELD NAME", "postcode-pricing")}
          class={"metaControl-".i} // note: using class to allow react to uniquely identify each element
          onChange={(value) =>
            editPost({ meta: { _postcode_pricing_META_FIELD_NAME: value } })
  return <div>{panelInputs}</div>;

My Current JSON

"meta": {
  "_generate-full-width-content": "",
  "_postcode_pricing_outward_code": "",           // <-- I only want to grab the following lines
  "_postcode_pricing_postal_town": "",            // <--
  "_postcode_pricing_postal_county": "",          // <--
  "_postcode_pricing_auto_1hr": "",               // <--
  "_postcode_pricing_auto_5hr": "",               // <--
  "_postcode_pricing_auto_10hr": "",              // <--
  "_postcode_pricing_auto_weekend_evening": "",   // <--
  "_postcode_pricing_manual_1hr": "",             // <--
  "_postcode_pricing_manual_5hr": "",             // <--
  "_postcode_pricing_manual_10hr": "",            // <--
  "_postcode_pricing_manual_weekend_evening": ""  // <--

My Meta Registration

 * Registers postcode_pricing_pt meta data
 * @since    1.0.0
public function postcode_pricing_register_meta() {

    // Meta array.
    $postcodePricingMetaFields = array(

    // Loop over meta array and register each new value.
    for ($i = 0, $size = count($postcodePricingMetaFields); $i < $size; ++$i) {

        // Register additional meta fields.
        register_post_meta('postcode_pricing_pt', '_postcode_pricing_' . $postcodePricingMetaFields[$i], array(
            'show_in_rest' => true,
            'type' => 'string',
            'single' => true,
            'sanitize_callback' => 'sanitize_text_field',
            'auth_callback' => function () {
                return current_user_can('edit_posts');

