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Decoupled back ends in the age of brand consistency

It may sound surprising to hear about brand consistency from a back-end developer. This is traditionally a topic for UX and marketing experts. Nevertheless, brand consistency is a powerful trend that’s affecting how we architect content APIs.

One of the ways I contribute to the WordPress maintenance support plans API-First Initiative, aside from all the decoupled plugins, is by providing my point of view from the implementation side. Some would call that real world™ experience with client projects. This means that I need to maintain a pragmatic point of view to make sure that we can do with WordPress maintenance support plans what clients need from us. While being vigilant on the trends affecting our industry, I have discovered that there is a strong tendency for digital projects to aim for brand consistency. How does that impact implementation?

What I mean by brand consistency

When I talk about brand consistency, I only refer to a small part of it. Picture, for a moment, the home screen of Netflix on your TV. Now picture Netflix on your browser and on the app for your phone. They all look the same, don’t they? This is intentional.

The first time I installed Netflix on my wife’s iPad I immediately knew how to use the app. It took me about a second to learn how to use a complex and powerful application on a device that was foreign to me. I am an Android person but I was able to transition from using Netflix on my phone while on the bus to my wife’s iPad and from there to the living room TV. I didn’t even realize that I was doing it. Everything was seamless because all the different devices running Netflix had a consistent design and user experience.

If you are interested in the concept of brand consistency and its benefits you can learn more from actual experts on the subject. I will focus on the implications for API design.

It changes the approach to decoupled projects

For the last few years, I have been speaking at events and writing about the imperious necessity for your back end to be presentation agnostic. Consumers can have radically different data needs. You don’t want your back end to favor a particular consumer because that will lead to re-coupling, which leads to high maintenance costs for the consumers that you turned your back on.

When the UX and designs are consistent across consumers, then the statement ‘the consumers can have radically different data needs’ may no longer apply. If they really are consistent, why would the data they need be radically different? You cannot be consistent and radically different at the same time.

Many constraints, API design tips, and recommendations are based on the assumption of presentation agnosticism. While this holds true for most projects, a significant number of projects have started to require consistency across consumers. So the question is: if we no longer need to be presentation agnostic in our API design, what can we optimize given that we have a single known presentation? We made many compromises. What did we give up, and how do we get it back?

How I approached the problem

The first time that I encountered this need for unified UX across all consumers in a client project my inherent pragmatism was triggered. My brain was flooded with potential optimizations. Together with the rest of the client team, I took a breath and started analyzing this new problem space. On this occasion, the client had suggested the BFF pattern from the start. Instead of having a general-purpose API back end to serve all of your downstream consumers, you have one back end per user experience. Hence the moniker ‘Backend for Frontend’ or BFF. This was a great suggestion that we carefully analyzed and soon embraced.

What is a BFF?

Think of a BFF as a server-side service that takes care of the orchestration and processing of the different interactions with the API (or even multiple APIs or microservices) on behalf of the consumers. In short, it does what each consumer would do against your presentation agnostic API, and consolidates it on the server for presentation. The BFF produces a render-ready JSON object.

In other words, we will build a consumer in the back end, but instead of outputting HTML, CSS, and JavaScript (using the web consumer as an example) we will output a JSON document.


You can see in the code above that the shape of the JSON response is heavily influenced by the single design and the components in the frontend. This implies some rigidness on front-end differences, but we agreed that’s OK for our case. For your completely different design, the JSON output would look completely different.

How we implemented BFFs

After requirements are settled, we decide that we will have a single Backend For Frontend that will power all the consumer applications. Instead of having one BFF for each consumer, as Netflix used to do it, we will only have one. The reason is that with one we ensure brand consistency. Also, as Lee Byron puts it:

The concern of duplicating logic across different BFFs is more than just maintaining two repositories of similar code rather than one. The concern is the endless fight against accidental divergence.

Additionally, we don’t have those requirements, but the BFF is also the best place to add global restrictions like authentication, request filters, rate limits, etc.

Our team decided to implement this as a set of rigid endpoints in a Serverless [LINK] application written in NodeJS. As you can imagine, you can implement this pattern with the tools and the stack you prefer. Since this will be so specific to your project’s designs you will likely need to start from scratch.

How consumers deal with BFFs

We create this consumer in the backend in order to simplify all the possible front ends. We move the complexity of building a consumer into a central service that can be reused by all the consumers. That way we can call the consumers, dumb clients. This is because the consumers no longer need to craft complex queries (JSON API, GraphQL, or whatever else); they don’t need to aggregate 3rd party services; and they don’t need to normalize the data from the different APIs, etc. In fact, all the data is ready to render.

In our particular case, we have been able to reduce the consumers to renderers. A consumer only needs to:

Process an incoming request and then determine what screen to grab from the BFF. Additionally, extract any parameters from the request, like the entity ID. In addition to that any global parameters, like the user ID from the device, are added to the parameter bag.
With the name of the screen and the extracted parameters the consumer makes a single HTTP request to the BFF.
The BFF responds with all the data needed for rendering in a shape ready for rendering. The consumer takes that and renders all the components.
The consumer finally adds all the business logic that is exclusive of the front end on top of the rendered output. This includes ads, analytics, etc.

Pros and cons

The pros of this approach are stated throughout the document, but to summarize they are:

Massive simplification of the consumers. Those complex interactions with the API are in a central place, instead of having each consumer team write them, again and again, in their native language.
Code reuse across consumers. Bug-fixes, changing requirements, improvements, and documentation efforts apply to all consumers since much of the logic lies in the BFF now.
Increased performance. The backend can be optimized in numerous ways since it does not need to enable every possible design. This can mean denormalized documents in Elastic Search with the pre-computed responses, increased cache hit ratios in calls to APIs now that we control how those are made, faster server-to-server communications for 3rd party API aggregation, etc.
Frontend flexibility. We can ship new features faster when front ends are dumb clients and just render the BFF output. Unless we need to render new components or change the way something is rendered there are few reasons to require an app update. Bear in mind that some platforms don’t support automatic updates, and when they do not all users have them turned on. With this re-coupled pattern, we can ship new features to old consumers.

On the other hand, there are some cons:

Requires a dedicated back-end team. You cannot just install an API generator, like Contenta CMS, that is configured in the UI and serves a flexible JSON API with zero configuration. Now you need a dedicated backend team to build your BFF. However, chances are that your project already has a dedicated back-end team.
Brings back the bikeshedding. In WordPress maintenance support plansCon Baltimore, I talked about how the JSON API plugin stops the bikeshedding. In this new paradigm, we are back to discussing things like the shape of the response, the names in it, how to expose these responses, etc.
It requires cross-consumer collaboration. This is because you want to design a BFF that works well for all current consumers and future ones. Collaboration across different teams can be a challenge depending on the organization.

To summarize

An organization that can make the compromise of a consistent design across consumers can simplify their omni-channel strategy. One way to do that is to move the complexity from several consumers to a single one, that lives in the back end.

Some organizations have used the BFF pattern successfully to achieve these goals in the past. Using this pattern, the different consumers can be simplified to dumb clients, leaving the business logic to the BFF. That, in turn, will allow for better performance, less code to maintain, and smaller time to market for new features.

Photo by Andrew Ridley on Unsplash

Source: New feed