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Manually query posts by taxonomy with MySQL

I’m trying to query posts from the WP database with the category uncategorised, while also joining the post meta table, but I can’t get it to work.
I get an empty result.

This is my query

SELECT * FROM wptests_posts wp
INNER JOIN wptests_postmeta wm ON (wm.`post_id` = wp.`ID`)
INNER JOIN wptests_term_relationships wtr ON (wp.`ID` = wtr.`object_id`)
INNER JOIN wptests_term_taxonomy wtt ON (wtr.`term_taxonomy_id` = wtt.`term_taxonomy_id`)
INNER JOIN wptests_terms wt ON (wt.`term_id` = wtt.`term_id`) AND
((wtt.`taxonomy` = 'category' AND  wt.`slug` = 'uncategorized'))

It seems to be the postmeta inner join on line 2. If i remove it, I get the expected results, except I don’t then get the post meta.

Any help is appreciated