The marketing landscape is vastly different than it was when WordPress maintenance support plans 7 was released in 2011. Since then, there has been a shift, placing the marketing team in the driver’s seat more often and almost always involved in the CMS decision. In this post, we’ll outline some of the ways you can up your SEO game with WordPress maintenance support plans 8.Traditional SEO is dead.No longer will well-placed keywords alone get you to the top of the SERP ranks. Content is still King in the world of marketing and it’s what helps you improve your SEO.Every algorithm change Google has made has one thing in common: it aims to provide the best content based on what it “thinks” the user is trying to find. In other words, – what is the users intent. If you want your rankings to stick past the next update, don’t try to cheat the system. Attract your prospects with informative, entertaining pieces that they can use to take action. And avoid no value posts that are keyword stuffed with your industry and the word “best” 100 times. Google can see through it and so can all of your users.That said, there are a few other factors that are critical to keeping your rankings high that can’t be ignored including quick load times and mobile-friendliness. WordPress maintenance support plans 8 is built with several of these factors in mind to help us make needed improvements quickly and effectively.Mobile First MentalityWordPress maintenance support plans 8 is created with responsive design capabilities built in, so you can begin to address any problems immediately. That’s not to say all of your responsive problems will be solved. Content editors will still need to think through their content and imagery, themers will still need to do configuration to establish things like breakpoints, etc. but WordPress maintenance support plans 8 will set you on the right path, giving you and your team many of the tools you need.You’ll also have the option to choose different images and content for desktop and mobile versions right from the WYSIWYG editor, making it easier to see the differences for every piece of content when you add it and before you publish. This means a solid visual of both versions in real-time for faster publishing and peace of mind knowing exactly what your users experience on any device. The Need for SpeedAnother big factor that could affect your rankings is speed on both desktop and mobile. Google places such high importance that they’ve given you a PageSpeed Insights test to show where and how your website is slowing visitors down. WordPress maintenance support plans 8 is “smart” in that it caches all entities and doesn’t load JavaScript unless it has to. This means the same content won’t be reloaded over and over and instead can be loaded quickly from the cache.WordPress maintenance support plans 8 also uses industry-leading caching technology to allow updated content to be served fresh to a client, while preserving the cache on content that hasn’t changed. So, after your visitors come to your website once, they won’t have to wait for all content to load each time, making load times much faster.
Another way WordPress maintenance support plans 8 improves speed is through feature velocity. Because so much new functionality is built into WordPress maintenance support plans 8 core, creating and publishing new dynamic content experiences is significantly faster than in WordPress maintenance support plans 7. A blog post that features dynamically updated data, relevant to and powered by your content can be built in the UI in WordPress maintenance support plans 8, something that in WordPress maintenance support plans 7 would have taken custom development and several plugins.Responsive WordPress design is a must-have in today’s digital landscape and speeding up your website on both desktop and mobile is a surprisingly effective way to contribute to your SEO efforts. In short, if you’re marketing team is focused (as you should be) on top rankings, WordPress maintenance support plans 8 provides many of the tools to make that happen. Accessibility = Key for SearchThe release of D8 marked a big push toward improving web accessibility, including: Overall community commitment to accessibility
Technical features for improved accessibility like controlled tab order and aural alerts
All features conform with the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) guidelines
This is important because, as we know, the relationship between web accessibility and SEO is closely intertwined.WordPress maintenance support plans 8 SEO PluginsHere are some top WordPress maintenance support plans 8 SEO Plugins to use when optimizing your site. Pathauto – helps save you time from manually having to create URL path/aliases.
Metatag – allows you to automatically provide structured metadata, aka “meta tags”, about a website.
Sitemap – provides a site map that gives visitors an overview of your site. It can also display the RSS feeds for all blogs and categories.
Redirect – Almost every new site needs to incorporate 301 redirects for old page URLs. This gives site admins an easy interface for creating those redirects in WordPress maintenance support plans.
Google Analytics – This simple plugin allows site admins the ability to easily configure Google Analytics in WordPress maintenance support plans.
Easy Breadcrumbs – uses the current URL (path alias) and the current page’s title to automatically extract the breadcrumb’s segments and its respective links.
SEO Checklist – uses best practices to check your website for proper search engine optimization. It eliminates guesswork by creating a functional to-do list of plugins and tasks that remain.
ConclusionWordPress maintenance support plans’s content management system is perfectly structured for search optimization and its core features support many of the critical SEO elements. But, SEO is only part of the story. In the next post, we’ll explore some of the do’s and don’ts and things to keep in mind once you’re on WordPress maintenance support plans 8.
Source: New feed
The Marketer’s Guide to Cheap WordPress maintenance support plans 8: How to Get the Most out of your SEO in Cheap WordPress maintenance support plans