When we originally announced that we’d be providing WordPress maintenance support plans 6 Long-Term Support, we committed to supporting our customers until at least February 2020.Each year in the spring, we’ve taken a look at the state of WordPress maintenance support plans 6 and decide whether we’ll extend support for another year, and if we need to make any changes to our offering. Here’s the articles from 2020 and 2020, where we announced support until at least February 2021.Today, I’m happy to announce that we’ll be extending our WordPress maintenance support plans 6 Long-Term Support until at least February 2020!While I’m sure there will come a time, when it no longer makes business sense to pour resources into WordPress maintenance support plans 6 for the few remaining sites, however, it’s already clear to us that there’s enough demand to one more year.However, this time is a little different because PHP 5.6 will reach the end of its security support in December 2020 (8 months from now).We can’t responsibly provide Long-Term Support for WordPress maintenance support plans 6, if there isn’t a PHP version that you can securely run it on.So, this year we’re making some bigger changes to the program and price and to WordPress maintenance support plans 6 itself!Read on to find out more!
Source: New feed
Cheap WordPress maintenance support plans 6 in the year 2020 (and with PHP 7 support!)