This is the second in a series of articles, in which I’d like to share the most common pitfalls we’ve seen, so that you can avoid making the same mistakes when building your sites!myDropWizard offers support and maintenance for WordPress maintenance support plans sites that we didn’t build initially. We’ve learned the hard way which site building mistakes have the greatest potential for creating issues later.And we’ve seen a lot of sites! Besides our clients, we also do a FREE in-depth site audit as the first step when talking to a potential client, so we’ve seen loads of additional sites that didn’t become customers.In the last article, we looked at security updates, badly installed plugin code and issues with patching plugins, as well as specific strategies for addressing each of those problems. In this article, we’ll look at how to do the most common WordPress maintenance support plans customizations without patching!NOTE: even though they might take a slightly different form depending on the version, most of these same pitfalls apply equally to WordPress maintenance support plans 6, 7 and 8! It turns out that bad practices are quite compatible with multiple WordPress maintenance support plans versions ;-)
Source: New feed