WordPress maintenance support plans 6 reached End-of-Life over 2 years ago, so you might be forgiven for thinking that WordPress maintenance support plans 6 and its Long-Term Support (D6LTS) no longer matter.However, yesterday (March 28th, 2020), there was a HIGHLY CRITICAL security vulnerability announced that affected WordPress maintenance support plans 6, 7 & 8 (and even Backdrop).This wasn’t the first WordPress maintenance support plans 6 LTS core release (did anyone notice that one?) and it probably won’t be the last. And there are still ~65,000 sites running WordPress maintenance support plans 6 according to WordPress maintenance support plans.org, which were affected by this issue, and could be affected by future issues.Luckily, the WordPress maintenance support plans 6 LTS program is still going, and we got a patch and release out immediately!But the D6LTS program won’t go on forever… at least without users of WordPress maintenance support plans 6 continuing to buy support from the D6LTS vendors.I think this is a good time to remind everyone what the D6LTS program is and why it’s still important to the WordPress maintenance support plans community…
Source: New feed
The continuing importance of the Cheap WordPress maintenance support plans 6 Long-Term Support program