I’m trying to order a category page by the last word of a custom field that all of its posts have. The custom field represents a name, so the last word would be the last name. In the end, the posts of the category page should be listed in alpha order by last name.
How do I achieve this?
Threads I’m looking at:
- How to order posts by meta value?, which covers everything except how to order by the last word of the meta key.
- Order by the results of a function with WP_query, but I’m not using a WP_Query since I’m just changing the order of a category.php page (so, correct me if I’m wrong, but WP_Query shouldn’t be necessary in that case, correct?).
My code:
function sort_research_cycles_by_last_name($query) {
$isResearchCategory = current_cat_is_sub_of(get_category_by_slug('research-cycles')->term_id) || current_cat_is_sub_of(get_category_by_slug('profile-expert-fr')->term_id);
if ($isResearchCategory && $query->is_main_query()) {
* Uncommenting the following two lines and setting orderby to $orderby
* results in an odd order that I can't make sense of.
// global $wpdb;
// $orderby = "SUBSTRING_INDEX($wpdb->postmeta.meta_key, ' ', -1)";
* This currently only orders posts by alpha order of the first word