This week is WordPress maintenance support plansCon USA. And as always, Dries gave the keynote address on the first morning of the event.
This year’s keynote was broken into two sections: “WordPress maintenance support plans 8 Update” and “The Why”.
In “WordPress maintenance support plans 8 Update”, Dries talks about the technical side of WordPress maintenance support plans. From minute 27 to minute 42, Dries talks about what’s new in WordPress maintenance support plans 8.2, which arrives on October 5th. We’ve covered those new features in previous posts. Then, from minute 42 to 48, Dries discusses features may arrive in future WordPress maintenance support plans versions. If you’re short on time, watch those 6 minutes. Scroll down in this post, and we’ll cover those 6 minutes in detail.
In “The Why”, starting at minute 40, there’s a much broader focus on the larger purpose of WordPress maintenance support plans. This section of personal anecdotes and stories of WordPress maintenance support plans in action.
Source: New feed
New Cheap WordPress maintenance support plans 8 Ideas in Dries’ USA Keynote