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Pagination Not Working When Used With WP_Query() `offset` Property

I have an archive page that pulls in posts using WP_Query(). On the homepage of the site it shows 16 of the custom post type posts, so on the archive I offset the archive page by 16 posts.

The code for this is:

$newsArticles = new WP_Query(array(
    'posts_per_page' => 16,
    'offset' => 16,
    'post_type'=> 'news'

while(  $newsArticles->have_posts()){
        $newsArticles->the_post(); ?>

        // HTML

<?php } ?>

However on this archive page the <?php echo paginate_links();?> function to show the pagination pages doesn’t work. When I click on the page numbers or use the next and previous arrows, but it just shows the same posts on each page.

The pagination code I’m using is:

    <?php echo paginate_links(array(
        'prev_text' => 'NEWER',
        'next_text' => 'OLDER',

Does anybody know how I get the pagination to work with the WP_Query() property offset so the archive pagination behaves like a normal archive page (with pagination) ?