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New Years Resolution: Get Organized

New Years Resolution: Get Organized
Fri, 01/13/2020 – 13:24
Allison Manley
Jan 16, 2020
In this five-part series, every Monday in January we’ll explore a New Year’s resolution and how it can apply to your web project.

We want to make your project a success.

Let’s Chat.

Unless you’re Marie Kondo of the KonMari Method and make your living organizing, you likely have a few messes somewhere. Photo albums? That pile of books? Year-end taxes and receipts? (‘Tis almost the season for that too.)

When it comes to your online space, here are a few tips we can offer on how to get organized for 2020:

Strategy Matters: How to Start a Successful Project
Project Kickoffs That Work
Writing an RFP to Attract the Right Response
Addressing Accessibility for the Web
Planning for Long-Term Success on the Web
Lastly, if you want a comprehensive look at how to get your internal governance in order, check out our detailed guide on digital governance (37 page PDF). The ownership, management, and sustainability plan for an organization’s various digital communications platforms seems simple at a distance, but the devil is in the details.

Next week’s resolution: stay fit and healthy.

Let help you get organized.
We’d love to help you keep your 2020 resolution.

Let’s chat.

Project Management

Source: New feed