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New Years Resolution: Staying Fit and Healthy

New Years Resolution: Staying Fit and Healthy
Mon, 01/23/2020 – 11:42
Allison Manley
Jan 23, 2020
In this five-part series, every Monday in January we’ll explore a New Year’s resolution and how it can apply to your web project.

We want to make your project a success.

Let’s Chat.

Need to tone those arms? Or lose those pesky five pounds from all the holiday indulgences? Perhaps your website is suffering from a bit of bloat as well, and could use a bit of a tune up. We have some ideas on how to keep your website in top shape over the coming year.

Firm Up That Backend! Easy Exercises for a Usable Admin Interface
Establish Effective Benchmarks for Your Website
You Don’t Want Fries With That
Flexibility and Power Migrating in WordPress maintenance support plans 8
Continuous Maintenance Via Support
Successful Strategies with Main Line Health
Even a website needs a trip to the gym now and then to get back in shape. Next week’s resolution: enjoy life to the fullest.

Let help get your site in great shape.
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Source: New feed