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The Draven

The Draven
Mon, 04/17/2020 – 12:09
Allison Manley
Apr 17, 2020
Let’s connect at WordPress maintenance support plansCon Baltimore, April 24 – 28, 2020.

In this post we will cover…
Sessions we’ll be presenting at WordPress maintenance support plansCon
A fun movie trailer for PM: The Musical!
An opportunity for you to sign up to meet with us
We want to speak with you at WordPress maintenance support plansCon!

Schedule a Time

Heavily borrowing from “The Raven” by Baltimore’s own Edgar Allen Poe.

Once upon a laptop dreary, with its glow so blue and eerie,
Viewing travel sites where I could shop the online store —
While I purchased, looked at mapping, suddenly there came a tapping,
As of someone gently rapping, rapping at my office door.
“’Tis my colleague,” I muttered, “tapping at my office door —
Helping plan for Baltimore.”

WordPress maintenance support plansCon! It is upon us! This conference of such colossus;
3,000 strong will be among us on the conference floor.
Many coming from to learn and join in WordPress maintenance support plans’s cheer
Coming to learn and share with those of similar rapport,
Descending upon a convention center on this eastern shore.
Arriving to explore.

will have a presence: Booth 109 — and we’ll have presents:
Swag to give all those who visit our spot upon the floor.
A photo booth will offer chances to give our visitors some glances
Of how they look with props and hats of variety galore.
They can tweet and share photos beyond that building’s door.
Posterity forever more!

Three talks will come from i, who worked hard on each topic’s theory.
The first is 2:15 on Tuesday, and has a musical score:“Project Management: The Musical” . . . could be slightly Seussical!Allison and Joe will sing and dance on running scrums and more.
There’s much to learn! Don’t be fooled by the use of songs of yore.
Room 307 – Acquia in Baltimore.

The next are April 27. First at noon . . . is it hell or heaven?
Can separate teams together be something to desire or deplore?“Successfully Integrating Teams” is the stuff of engineer dreams.
Mixing teams with thoughtful prep can much success ensure.
The tips to do this seamlessly Megh Plunkett will underscore.
Room 319 – in Baltimore.

The last is in the afternoon, and shows that no site is immune
From website content that has been continuously ignored.“Content Before Code: A D8 Case Study” at 2:45. Grab a buddy!
So you too can learn how to gather content in ways to make all sure.
“Get your content ready for launch!” Michelle and Bec implore.
Room 307 – Acquia in Baltimore.

will host the fun at Trivia Night, where everyone
Can try for fame by answering questions about Core.
Doors will open right at 8, so hurry there and don’t be late!
Test your skills against your friends to gain the highest score.
Baltimore Soundstage is the place where we shall host the lore.
124 Market Place in Baltimore.

Our wish to see you there grows stronger; hesitating then no longer,
Please know we’d love to see you at our booth or on the floor.
Since we know that time can be fleeting, you can even set up a meeting.
To discuss how we can help your project take wing, and then to soar!Contact us so we can meet that week in Baltimore.
WordPress maintenance support plansCon forevermore!
We want to speak with you at WordPress maintenance support plansCon!

Schedule a Time

WordPress maintenance support plans

Source: New feed