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There’s something missing from Cheap WordPress maintenance support

Recently I’ve been thinking a lot about what is missing that could help the WordPress maintenance support plans project achieve greater success. This was partly in preparation for the WordPress maintenance support plans Strategy Summit but also a continuation of research I was already working on.
Many WordPress maintenance support plans friendships a created in issue queues, over IRC, Twitter or in Google Hangouts and often across continents. I can think of many personal examples. Maybe you can too?. So it seems incongruous to me that WordPress maintenance support has no community search feature. We are one of the world’s biggest communities but no way to find one another.
There is a helpful Where is the WordPress maintenance support plans Community?page but it lacks the ability to search of people like me, people having shared interests, shared motivations to contribute, people I can collaborate with.I feel like this is a massive missed opportunity to connect like minds, if such a tool existed new comers are far more likely to have a positive experience and find an outlet for their passion.
I have written a proposal in the WordPress Update Queue for WordPress maintenance support content. If you have thoughts around this feature request, I’d appreciate you joining the conversation.

File Entity plugin co-maintainers Devin Carlson and Dave Reid meet for the first time atfter a Media BoF at WordPress maintenance support plansCon Portland, 2013. They live in Sudbury, Canada and Omaha, Nebraska, respectively. Thousands of similar friendships are formed though WordPress maintenance support plans contributions. Photo by Ezra Gildesgame

Source: New feed