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Question customized submit sort that has a serialized relational superior customized subject worth

I’ve a customized submit sort "issues".

I’m utilizing Superior Customized Fields so as to add a relational subject known as "articles_from_this_issue" the place the admin can choose a number of articles.

I’ve an creator template the place I show all the authors posts (articles).

I want to question the "issues" customized submit sort and test to see if every article is likely one of the chosen "articles_from_this_issue"

here’s what I’ve tried thus far however nothing appears to work.

$issues_args = array(
    'post_type' => 'points', 
    'meta_query' => array(
        'relation' => 'OR',
            'key' => 'articles_from_this_issue',
            'worth' => serialize( intval(get_the_ID()) ),
            'evaluate' => 'LIKE'

$the_issues_query = new WP_Query( $issues_args ); 

I’ve additionally tried this:

$issues_args = array(
'post_type' => 'points', 
'meta_query' => array(
        'key' => 'articles_from_this_issue',
        'evaluate' => 'LIKE',
        'worth' => get_the_ID(),

Here’s what the database reveals within the "wp_postmeta" desk:

meta_id: 27533
post_id: 733
meta_key: articles_from_this_issue
meta_value: a:2:{i:0;s:4:"3187";i:1;s:4:"3230";}

Any and all assist is far appreciated!