I’m trying to accomplish this simple task through different plugins, but I can’t find the right one for different reasons.
I have a Login Page with a login form. When user logs in, he’s redirected to a specific page (based on user role). If the user visits again the Login Page, the login form displays a Welcome message with dashboard, profile and logout links (see pics).
Since I need to avoid that and need logged in user to only visit the specific page based on their role, I’d like to redirect away logged in users from Login Page to Specific Page.
eg: Paul is a user with “apple” role. He logs in and gets redirected to Apple Page. Then he browses the website and try to visit the Login Page. As he tries, he’s redirected to Apple Page. The same applies to Ron, whose role is “banana”, so when he tries to visit Login Page he’s redirected to Banana Page.
My biggest issue is that every plugin helps with redirection AFTER login, and that is easly manageable. Do you know any easy way to accomplish that or any suggestion on where to look?