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Register PODS Custom Field with WPGraphQL

I’ve created a Custom Post Type called ‘Item’ and added a multi-upload file/image/video field type but I’m not able to figure out how to register that custom field with WPGraphQL. Here’s how I registered my CPT with WPGraphQL:

  add_filter( 'register_post_type_args', function( $args, $post_type ) {

    if ( 'item' === $post_type ) {
      $args['show_in_graphql'] = true;
      $args['graphql_single_name'] = 'item';
      $args['graphql_plural_name'] = 'items';

    return $args;

  }, 10, 2 );

Any suggestions or can someone point me in the right direction for documentation? I’ve gotten different answers in my search and nothing has worked so far. Thanks!