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Remove extra line from the woocommerce widget

I find a code to remove all filters at once. It works like a charm.
But it add extra line even there is no selected filters.

I want to remove this line if there is no active filter.

/*Clean active filters, Use this as a shortcode [cleanthemall]*/
add_shortcode( 'cleanthemall', 'cleanthemall' );
function cleanthemall() {
$filterreset = $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'];
if ( strpos($filterreset,'?filter_') !== false | strpos($filterreset,'?min_price') !== false | strpos($filterreset,'?max_price')) {
 $filterreset = strtok($filterreset, '?');
 echo '<div class="clear-filters-container"><a id="woo-clear-filters" href="'.$filterreset.'">Clean All Filters</a></div>';