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Restrict access only of custom post type with standard capabilities to edit_post

I’d like some of our registered users to add MEC calendar events. Our admins would then review and publish them. MEC does not use custom capabilities, but standard ones.

I’m already using Restrict User Access plugin, to control a group of users to access custom capabilities (they can create/edit but not publish) of my other custom post type projects – I created edit_projects capability for it (using Custom Post Type UI plugin). But I don’t see any way, how to restrict the standard capabilities (like edit_post) of just the specified type, in this case the MEC event type.

I don’t want these users to be able to create/edit posts of any other type (unless granted with other user role)… I don’t want these users to even see the other types menu in the Admin dashboard.

Is there a plugin suitable for that? Or how would I approach programming it?

Did some blind trial and error, but with not much luck. Any hint would be appreciated.

PS: If it would be easy to replace standard capabilities with custom ones in MEC, I’d probably opt for that.