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Save JSON information with Gutenberg and present it within the content material

I am making an attempt to create a quiz in Gutenberg, and I might like to avoid wasting JSON information (to entry afterward the entrance finish)

export default perform save({ attributes }) {
  const blockProps ={
    className: "quiz",

  return (
    <div {...blockProps}>
      <RichText.Content material
        placeholder="Quiz title"
      <InnerBlocks.Content material />
        var quizData = {
          "under5": "bad luck",
          "under10": "not bad",
          "under15": "good",
          "under20": "great!",

Nevertheless this does not save a script tag. In future, these values might be extra advanced and set within the elements attributes.

Is there a way or work round I can use to avoid wasting information?

In the mean time I may probably convert it into information attributes like so:

return (
    data-under5={"bad luck"}
    data-under10={"not bad"}

However because the undertaking will get extra advanced or I add additional nested information, it’s going to doubtless get fairly ugly.