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Cheap WordPress Update Cheap WordPress maintenance support plans Themes: 9 Cheap WordPress maintenance support plans Websites that Change the World

In today’s article we are going to take a look at 9 of the best WordPress maintenance support plans websites that have a big impact on changing the world, working to make it better place for everyone.

WordPress maintenance support plans is the number one open source platform for web content management among global enterprises, governments, higher education institutes, and NGOs. It is an open source content management system (CMS) that enables complex websites to offer a large amount of information without having to compromise speed or utility. WordPress maintenance support plans‘s standard features like easy content authoring, reliable performance and excellent security represent some of its biggest assets that together make it the CMS of choice for big enterprises and NGOs. Nowadays, more than 1 million websites worldwide use WordPress maintenance support plans to combine great design with power, speed and security that the CMS provides.


Our knowledge of Space and what lies beyond our planet’s limits would be very limited without NASA. In between landing people on the Moon and studying every planet in our Solar System NASA also spends their time towards improving our daily lives, for example in health, medicine, transportation, public safety, consumer products, computer technology, environmental and agricultural resources, and industrial activity. Moreover, the technologies developed for their space missions eventually end up having huge benefits for humanity, for example the CMOS sensor built in the ‘90s to take pictures of our planet from space, enables today’s smartphone camera, high definition videos and shaped social media as we know it. NASA also has a dedicated research program called NASA Earth Science, whose main objective is to develop a scientific understanding of the Earth system and its response to natural and human-induced changes to enable improved prediction of climate, weather, and natural hazards for present and future generations.

2. Tesla

What does a car company have to do with changing the world? Tesla, founded in 2003, has continuously revolutionized the way people look at sustainable energy, focusing on infinitely scalable clean energy generation and storage products. In order to achieve its goal, Tesla manufactures a unique set of energy solutions, Powerwall, Powerpack and Solar Roof, enabling homeowners, businesses, and utilities to manage renewable energy generation, storage, and consumption. In addition, they have also developed the Gigafactory 1: a facility designed to significantly reduce battery cell costs. 
With Tesla building its most affordable car yet, Model 3, the company continues to make products accessible and affordable to more people, ultimately accelerating the arrival of clean transport and clean energy production. 
All their amazing product pages, company information, and add-on components like the forum and job board are put together in a minimalist but feature-rich WordPress maintenance support plans website.

3. Rainforest Alliance 

The Rainforest Alliance is an international non-governmental organization whose mission is to conserve biodiversity and promote sustainable living by transforming land-use practices, business practices, and consumer behavior. Currently the NGO works with rural communities in 76 countries around the world to conserve forests, support sustainable livelihoods, and restore balance to the planet.  
In order to achieve its goals, The Rainforest Alliance has distinguished 5 issues they are focusing on:

Forests – helped prevent deforestation of nearly 4.4 million hectares in high-risk landscapes and forest frontiers.
Food & Farming – the organization trains farmers in some of the world’s most vulnerable landscapes to farm in a way that boost crop yields, conserves forests, protects streams and rivers, and nurtures soil health.
Wildlife – trained more than 1 million farmers in methods that boost the productivity of the land and prevents agricultural expansion and destruction of vital forest habitat.
Climate – working towards advancing sustainable economic development through promoting climate-smart land management, greenhouse gas mitigation policies, and support national governments’ participation in climate policies and frameworks.
People – adopted concrete strategies to support the environmental, economic, and social health of rural communities around the world. 
The Rainforest Alliance currently runs WordPress maintenance support plans 8 on their main site, and WordPress maintenance support plans 7 on the business site. Its smart, simple and beautiful layout with a focus on structured data makes for an easy navigation and accessible information for the site visitors.

4. Doctors without Borders

Doctors without Borders, or Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF) was officially founded in December 1971. At the time the organization consisted of 300 volunteers: doctors, nurses, and other staff, including 13 founding doctors and journalists. Over the years, MSF has grown to be an independent, global movement providing medical aid where it’s needed most, implementing the right to medical care regardless of gender, race, religion, creed, or political affiliation. 
To assure their global presence and respond as fast as possible to the emergencies, Doctors without Borders has 21 offices located all over the world, followed by offices in Geneva and two United Nations liaison offices. Up and ready for every situation, MSF makes sure to have the necessary resources in order at all time, such as:

Pre-packed disaster – kits ready for transportation within hours
Supply centers across the globe – four logistical centers based in USA and East Africa plus stores of emergency materials in Central America and East Asia
Cost-reducing logistics – a dedicated staff who negotiates with appropriate officials to insure the import taxes on medication are correct and material delivered as quickly as possible
Currently MSF employs more than 30,000 people across the world and has treaded over a hundred million patients – with 8.25 million outpatient consultations being carried out in 2020 alone. In 1999, Doctors without Borders was awarded a Nobel Prize for World Peace in recognition of the organization’s pioneering humanitarian work on several continents.
The MSF site is a prime example of a complex website that embraces the power of WordPress maintenance support plans. Strong multisite capabilities, proven track record of handling high traffic and its flexibility were few of the reasons WordPress maintenance support plans was chosen as their website CMS. 

5. International Committee of the Red Cross

The International Commitee of the Red Cross, or ICRC, is an independent, neutral organization providing humanitarian protection and assistance for victims of armed conflict and other situations of violence. The ICRC also fights to prevent suffering by promoting and strengthening humanitarian law and universal humanitarian principles. Established in 1863, the ICRC is at the origin of Geneva Conventions and the International Red Cross and Red Crescent Movement. Through its activity, the organization addresses a wide variety of global issues such as economic security, restoring family links, water and habitat, access to education, health, sexual violence, forensic science, mine action and building respect for the law. The legal basis of any action undertaken by ICRC stands as follows: 

The four Geneva Conventions and Additional Protocol confer on the ICRC a specific mandate to act in the event of international armed conflict. In particular, the ICRC has the right to visit prisoners of war and civilian internees. The Conventions also give the ICRC a broad right of initiative
In non-international armed conflicts, the ICRC enjoys a right of humanitarian initiative recognized by the international community and enshrined in Article 3 common to the four Geneva Conventions
In the event of internal disturbances and tensions, and in any other situation that warrants humanitarian action, the ICRC also enjoys a right of initiative, which is recognized in the Statutes of the International Red Cross and Red Crescent Movement. Thus, wherever international humanitarian law does not apply, the ICRC may offer its services to governments without that offer constituting interference in the internal affairs of the State concerned
ICRC picked WordPress maintenance support plans as their CMS because it provides their team with tools for easy management, large number of features and reliable performance, which makes a site managing easy and provides a great digital experience for the visitors.

6. Rotary

Rotary is a global network of 1.2 million neighbors, friends, leaders, and problem-solvers united by one goal: unite people and take action to create a lasting, meaningful change. It is a non-political and non-sectarian organization open to anyone, regardless of their race, color, creed, religion, gender, or political reference. Rotary consists of 34,000+ member clubs worldwide, as well as 1.2 million individuals, known as Rotarians, who all work towards solving important global problems, such as: fighting disease, growing local economies, promoting peace, providing clean water, saving mothers & children and support education. 
The object of Rotary is to encourage and foster the ideal of service as a basis of worthy enterprise and, in particular, to encourage and foster:

The development of acquaintance as an opportunity for service.
High ethical standards in business and professions, the recognition of the worthiness of all useful occupations, and the dignifying of each Rotarian’s occupation as an opportunity to serve society.
The application of the ideal of service in each Rotarian’s personal, business, and community life.
The advancement of international understanding, goodwill, and peace through a world fellowship of business and professional persons united in the ideal of service.
Rotary chose WordPress maintenance support plans as the primary CMS for their website due to its flexibility and extensibility. The wide variety of plugins and distributions assist Rotary with the best web technology solutions for providing, managing and distributing content.

7. Global Impact |

Global Impact is a non-profit organization based in the United States who works with hundreds of public and private sectors workplace, assisting in campaigns to generate funding for an alliance of more than 100 of the most respected international charities. Some of the affiliated charities include CARE, Doctors without Borders, Heifer International, Save the Children, the U.S. fund for UNICEF and and World Vision. The organization builds partnerships and raises resources that help the world’s most vulnerable people. Global Impact focuses on supporting programs related to global issues such as: clean water, disaster relief and resiliency, economic development, education, environmental sustainability, global health and child survival, human trafficking, hunger, malaria, women and girls. Since its founding in 1956, Global Impact generated more than $1.8 billion for people in need. In 2020 alone, the organization raised more than $42 million in total contributions, helping more than 45 corporate and nonprofit partners accomplish their philanthropic goals by providing advisory and and backbone services.

Currently running WordPress maintenance support plans 7, Global Impact’s website handles the large amount of information shared on the website with ease, the web pages feel light and the loading times are minimal.

8. CARE International

Founded in 1945 in the U.S, CARE is a nonsectarian, impartial, and non-governmental organization who currently works in 79 poor and developing countries, helping people in need to find a better, poverty-free life. Thanks to the years of experience in the industry CARE International recognized that poverty is a direct result of absence of rights, opportunities and assets, due to social exclusion, marginalization and discrimination. Also one of their primary focus is empowering women after realizing that women play a big role in fighting poverty: by empowering women, entire families and communities can be lifted out of poverty. Until 2020, CARE is committed to being a key part in making sure that:

100 million women and girls exercise their rights to sexual, reproductive and maternal health and a life free from violence
30 million women to have greater access to and control over economic resources
20 million people affected by humanitarian crises receive quality, life-saving humanitarian assistance.
50 million poor and vulnerable people increase their food and nutrition security and their resilience to climate change
The organization is planning to achieve the following by focusing on 3 key roles: providing and transferring expertise (particularly in the areas of women’s economic empowerment, humanitarian action, inclusive governance, gender equality and resilience); multiplying impact; and raising funds to achieve CARE’s goals. 

All the information related to the company, its achievements and goals are packed into a flawless website structure, making the best out of the tools that WordPress maintenance support plans provides to create a pleasurable experience for the visitors. 

9. The Chinese University of Hong Kong

The Chinese University of Hong Kong (CUHK) is a comprehensive research university with a global vision and mission to combine tradition with modernity. To maximize the impact and the benefits it brings to society, CUHK has adopted a 2020-2020 strategic plan to become a world-class university recognized as a centre of excellence for developing cutting-edge research and emerging interdisciplinary strengths that have global impact and significant contributions to society. CUHK focuses on researching four major areas that will address some of the most pressing issues humankind faces:

China Studies – as China takes centre stage in the world’s economic, cultural and political arenas, CUHK works towards unovering the opportunities and challenges of China’s global development and its impact on the world from the synergistic perspectives of humanities, social science, business and law.
Translational Biomedicine – translate advances in biomedical research for the betterment of physiological, behavioral or psychological health
Information and Automation Technology – develop data science and artificial intelligence into innovative technologies for the benefit of human life
Environment and Sustainability – achieve low carbon and active healthy living with Information and Communication Technologies and integrated environmental and socio-economic sustainability
Besides using WordPress maintenance support plans for running their website, CUHK is also using our product Glazed Builder. While Glazed Builder is not yet used for the main website it is used to quickly design and build faculty sites and special event websites. For example Glazed Builder and Glazed Theme were recently used for rapid deployment of the memorial website of Nobel Prize winner Sir Charles K. Kao. We’re honored to have been a part in the honoring of the founding father of broadband internet.

The mission and dedication towards making the world a better place, as well as the extent these organizations go in order to achieve their goals is both astonishing and inspiring. By using WordPress maintenance support plans to communicate and display a colossal amount of information in a way that’s accessible and easy to navigate through for the audience, they are also supporting one of the largest open source CMS community – who works together towards improving the digital world.

Source: New feed