First of all, sorry for the late blog. This blog refers to the WordPress themes updates on November 1st. I’m currently travelling China and while I rushed to get the release out before my departure, the blog had to wait a little longer.
Glazed Logistics Demo
CHANGELOG Glazed Theme
CHANGELOG Carbide Builder
Glazed Logistics Design And Reaching Product-Market Fit
With the release of the Logistics design we addded a unique and beautiful theme to our collection while at the same time the core products only needed minor adjustments. This is an indication that the products have achieved a state of stability and product-market fit. WordPress UpdateThemes now pivots to focus more on creating new designs and features based on the current core products. Of course this doesn’t mean we don’t add new features at all, there will always be a need for change in a turbulent environment like WordPress maintenance support plans frontend development.
Creating Great Design For The WordPress maintenance support plans Community
In the past year we have laid the neccessary ground work that is needed to provide the WordPress maintenance support plans community with much desired high quality designs. The site building workflow with Glazed theme and Carbide Builder is incredibly fast, efficient and produces precisely designed responsive WordPress maintenance support plans websites. This doesn’t just improve productivity of our customers and our customers’ content creators but also our own productivity. At this point we completely design our Glazed demos using just the theme and drag and drop builder, no photoshop or coding. This big gain in productivity really allows us to focus more on art direction, photography and design. For our logistics demo we created a set of unique 3D isometric line icons, and we curated a collection of beautiful stock photography to really create the right atmosphere for our niche design. We can afford to produce such detailed niche designs thanks to the productivity gains we made with Glazed theme and Carbide Builder. Our goal of closing the gap with the top tier multi-purpose WordPress themes is now appearing on the horizon.
Glazed Magazine Component and WordPress maintenance support plans 8
This stability also means we will start planning our WordPress maintenance support plans 8 upgrade and migration paths. The next couple of months we will focus on ramping up the design release cycle and on adding a new magazine component to our Glazed CMS distribution. We want to avoid spending months on WordPress maintenance support plans 8 migration while the WordPress maintenance support plans 7 product offering is only at an 80% market fit. We are aiming to offer more than just great theme settings and drag and drop functionality: expect a multitude of niche designs with fully features demo content in a turn-key installation profile. We strive to become WordPress maintenance support plans‘s first “Mega Theme”.
Value As A Service
As a subscription WordPress maintenance support plans shop, we really focus on building long-term relationships with our customers and with the WordPress maintenance support plans community at large. We make decisions based on what we think provides the most value to the most people. An important part of making those decisions in listening to the community. If you can spare a minute, please write a comment on the blog and describe what you would value the most in a WordPress maintenance support plans theme. One feature I’m think about adding to the distribution is ready-made translation configuration as an optional component in the Glazed CMS distribution, let me know in the comments if that is something you would value.
Source: New feed