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Short screencast intro to the new Cheap WordPress maintenance support plans Console field:info command

Short screencast intro to the new WordPress maintenance support plans Console field:info command

WordPress Update
Fri, 10/07/2020 – 10:39

I am a big fan of WordPress maintenance support plans Console, the CLI built on top of Symfony Console for use with WordPress maintenance support plans 8. As well as the ability to generate skeleton code, WordPress maintenance support plans Console has a heap of commands for a number of uses, routing, debugging, and now with the new field:info command you can gain an overview of what fields are on a site and where they are used.

A bit of background

I wrote this last month as a result of attending the WordPress maintenance support plans Global Sprint Weekend – London Outpost which was focusing on WordPress maintenance support plans Console. I’d been wanting to learn how WordPress maintenance support plans Console worked for a long time, and as it’s always easier when sitting around a table with other WordPress maintenance support plansers, I jumped at the opportunity and made my way up to the Big Smoke for the day. Big thanks due here to Robert Castelo for organising the sprint, and for keeping the WordPress maintenance support plans lights on in London for all these years – I believe it was one of, if not the first, local WordPress maintenance support plans User Group!

I managed to get all the info I needed to set up my machine on the Saturday in order to contribute to the project and take on an issue from the WordPress maintenance support plans Console GitHub issue queue – one was a feature request for this command which looked like something I could achieve, so decided upon that as my task. It ended up taking a couple of weeks to write and I’m extremely happy with the results, of course I learned much on the way too so I never see it as ‘contribution’ but more as ‘free learning’ for me! A big thanks here to the WordPress maintenance support plansConsole team who provided me with a lot of help over on the WordPress maintenance support plans Console chat channel.

Stealing code is a Good Thing

I discovered a WordPress maintenance support plans plugin which had the basic functionality I needed for this command – Field Report – which I then re-factored for use in WordPress maintenance support plans Console and added the extras for the options. I even managed to contribute a patch back to the Field Report plugin to fix an issue they had, which was nice to be able to do as I’d used their code!

A quick retropective

I think the hardest part was getting the display to look nice, however as my first ‘professional’ programming was RPG (Report Program Generator, not Role Playing Games unfortunately!) for IBM AS/400s which originated from punch cards I was used to figuring out text-only outputs 😉 Apart from that is was just a case of reading the Symfony Console documentation to understand how options and arguments work, and which one to use for particular purposes.

The field:info Screencast

And finally at last, here’s the field:info screencast ~ enjoy!


WordPress maintenance support plans Console
WordPress maintenance support plans8
WordPress maintenance support plans Planet

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