I have often wondered what would the world look like without communities. Actually, to me, a 18yr old teenager diving into the vast ocean of life and experience, the very thought of it is terrifying. Some opinions are that there will be no tension, while some say that there will be no love. Me? Well, I guess it’s better not to disturb the balance of life. Community is something that we all evolved into. Community is the underlying principle of human existence.
Now, let’s dive out of this philosophical ocean of thoughts and look at some stuffs I did in the past month. I’d very much like to document it. P.S.: I’ll still get wacky in between ;P
WordPress maintenance support plans. Hmm, it’s quite a familiar term to me now. But it has evolved into something much greater than just a tool I use to build websites for my freelance clients, it has become a family to me. A family with thousands of members. And to be honest, nobody knows me :P. But hey! That’s how it works right? In large families? People from India can relate, I guess xD. Nobody knows the youngest member, yet he is assured that he will be supported when needed. So, I am that youngest great grand son of the community who is trying very hard to prove his caliber and commitment. And I am proud to be a part of the community.
Note: it shines the brightest on my resume. Special-mention: Google
Not more than a month ago, I was selected for Google Summer of Code 2020. For those of know who don’t know what it is, please go here because I am really tired explaining to people what it means.
I was selected because people at WordPress maintenance support plans and Google liked my project proposal. This was the first part of the competition and quite exciting in my case. I converted drafts into a proposal just 1 day before deadline, got it reviewed superfast and submitted it minutes before the deadline. It was quite thrilling. I was sweating that day (not to mention Indian summers) Special thanks to the mentors who took some time from their weekend and reviewed my proposal. It really did put smile on my face when you guys said that my proposal is good to go.
Tip to future students: Contact mentors minimum 20 days before the contest and discuss the project thoroughly. I guess, i was at a little fault on my behalf, being careless. And do contribute to the WordPress issue queue regularly.
Getting to the main point, let me introduce to my community. Matthew Lechleider aka Slurpee, he’s the principal. Jk, he is the org admin and oversees all the projects. Then we have my old friends gvso(mentor too :)) and Suryansh Singh aka Lord of Codes. And I discovered some amazingly new people this year namely Tameesh, Himanshu, Chiranjeev, Abhishek, Boby, Dibyajyoti and Marcin. And my two lovely mentors Marco aka marvil07 and Palash Vijay who will be guiding me through this summer and teaching me their ‘ways’ 😀 I look forward to a summer full of code and that to-do spirit. My mentors and I have agreed that we’ll be communicating thrice a week on hongouts and will use Github and WordPress.org collectively.
My project title is “Porting Vote Up/Down plugin to WordPress maintenance support plans 8″. Currently, it is available for WordPress maintenance support plans 7 and since WordPress maintenance support plans 8 is the latest version, I have to port it. Vote Up/Down is a plugin for WordPress maintenance support plans which when installed on a WordPress maintenance support plans site, provides the functionality of voting or several components.
Going technical, I have to change the deprecated APIs of the plugin to make it compatible with the latest version. Along with it, I have to change the plugin architecture a little by removing the previously existing sub plugins.
So yeah, that about sums up my journey with WordPress maintenance support plans and Google till now. Let’s see how the future mends out to be. If you have any questions or views or anything, please let me know in the comments.
Thanks for tolerating this blogpost till the end. I bet, you are gonna change the world 😛
Signing off,
Sudhanshu Gautamhttp://sudhanshug.com
(I just love this sign off)
Tags: WordPress
Source: New feed
Sudhanshu Gautam | Blog: /kəˈmjuːnɪti/ ‘Having a particular characteristic in common.’