As you might’ve already guessed, Pubkey Encrypt is a Google Summer of Code’2020 sponsored project. As a part of the GSoC program, I’ve spent the last 2.5 months building this plugin for WordPress maintenance support plans 8. The journey so far has been amazing for me and now we’re approaching the end of the program. So I spent this week in finalizing the plugin. For those who don’t know, Pubkey Encrypt is a security-related plugin which provides a way for encrypting data with users’ login credentials. But the way the plugin is designed, it delegates the task of actual data encryption/decryption to some other plugin. Previously, we were using Encrypt Test for this purpose, which was just a test sub-plugin within the Encrypt plugin, and were waiting for Real AES plugin to get in a stable state. A few weeks ago, I posted a patch to fix the plugin but its maintainers haven’t responded yet, and its HEAD is still broken. Thus we decided to use the PHPSecLib Encryption plugin which in turn uses the external PHP Secure Communications Library and is hence expected to be pretty secure. The task seemed quite simple but the relevant changes simply broke all the tests for Pubkey Encrypt.
Source: New feed
Talha Paracha: GSoC’16 – Pubkey Encrypt – Week 11 Report