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The best way to insert datas within the desk on wordpress?

I created a plugin which have a button, when the person click on within the button, my program ought to to place some informations contained in the desk, however my program simply don’t working, I don’t why.
My code:

operate add_favorite_shortcode() {
        world $post_id;
        $post_id = get_post();
        $post_id = !empty( $post_id ) ? $post_id->ID : false;
        if(is_user_logged_in()){ //Verifanco se o usuário está on-line
            $output = '<div class="redimensionar"><a id="favoritar" href="?favoritar=sim" title="teste" rel="nofollow">♥ Favorito</a></div>';
        return $output;
     add_shortcode( 'favorito', 'add_favorite_shortcode' );

     //Criando um banco de dados
     world $jal_db_version;
     $jal_db_version = '1.0';
     operate jal_install() {
         world $wpdb;
         world $jal_db_version;
         $table_name = $wpdb->prefix.'favoritos';
         $charset_collate = $wpdb->get_charset_collate();
         $sql = "CREATE TABLE $table_name (
             id mediumint(9) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT,
             time datetime DEFAULT '0000-00-00 00:00:00' NOT NULL,
             person mediumint(9) NOT NULL,
             post_id mediumint(9) NOT NULL,
             PRIMARY KEY  (id)
         ) $charset_collate;";
         require_once( ABSPATH . 'wp-admin/contains/improve.php' );
         dbDelta( $sql );
         add_option( 'jal_db_version', $jal_db_version );

     if(isset($_GET['favoritar']) == "sim"){
        world $wpdb;
         $person = 1;
         $post_id = get_post();
         $table_name = $wpdb->prefix.'favoritos';
                 'time' => current_time( 'mysql' ), 
                 'person' => $person, 
                 'post_id' =>  $post_id, 

Within the half that isset($_GET['favoritar']) enter inside appropriately, however when I’ll see the desk, don’t seem nothing, somebody may help me?