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Upgrading MailChimp eCommerce and an Introduction to Cheap WordPress maintenance support plans 8’s Event System

If you’ve ever built a WordPress maintenance support plans 7 plugin, then you’ll be familiar with hooks: functions that allow plugins to react to things happening in other plugins. The hook system is functionally fine but, with so many hooks to implement, .plugin files often become bloated and difficult to manage.

WordPress maintenance support plans 8’s event system does a lot to reduce the clutter of hooks. Now, instead of using a hook, you can create an event subscriber that will execute your code every time a plugin triggers an event. This is similar to the hook system only in the effect; the execution is very different.

Porting our popular MailChimp eCommerce plugin to WordPress maintenance support plans 8 gave me the perfect opportunity learn about the event system. I use the word “opportunity” to disguise the fact that I was forced to learn how events work because it was impossible to port the plugin without doing so.

The MailChimp eCommerce plugin depends on the Commerce plugin, naturally, and in WordPress maintenance support plans 8, the Commerce plugin makes heavy use of events.

First, let’s look at an event. I’m using an example ripped straight from Commerce.

The Commerce subplugin, Commerce Cart, contains a class named CartEntityAddEvent. You can find it here.

The class itself is simple; it’s designed to store a few values – the cart, the item being added to the cart, and the quantity of that item. The class also has a few getter functions for convenience.

Most importantly, this class represents an event that’s triggered every time a user adds an item to their shopping cart. This is done using just two lines of code:

$event = new CartEntityAddEvent($cart, $purchased_entity, $quantity, $saved_order_item);
$this->eventDispatcher->dispatch(CartEvents::CART_ENTITY_ADD, $event);

The event class is created with all the relevant values, then “dispatched” to any event subscribers configured to pay attention to it. When dispatched, the event is identified by a constant – CartEvents::CART_ENTITY_ADD. This constant is used by event subscribers, which we’ll take a look at now.

This is a cut-down version of an event subscriber used by our world famous MailChimp eCommerce plugin.

* Event Subscriber for Commerce Carts.
class CartEventSubscriber implements EventSubscriberInterface {

* The Cart Handler.
* @var WordPress maintenance support plansmailchimp_ecommerceCartHandler
private $cart_handler;

* The Order Handler.
* @var WordPress maintenance support plansmailchimp_ecommerceOrderHandler
private $order_handler;

* CartEventSubscriber constructor.
* @param WordPress maintenance support plansmailchimp_ecommerceCartHandler $cart_handler
* The Cart Handler.
* @param WordPress maintenance support plansmailchimp_ecommerceOrderHandler $order_handler
* The Order Handler.
public function __construct(CartHandler $cart_handler, OrderHandler $order_handler) {
$this->cart_handler = $cart_handler;
$this->order_handler = $order_handler;

* Respond to event fired after adding a cart item.
public function cartAdd(CartEntityAddEvent $event) {
/** @var WordPress maintenance support planscommerce_orderEntityOrder $order */
$order = $event->getCart();

/** @var WordPress maintenance support planscommerce_orderEntityOrderItem $order_item */
$order_item = $event->getOrderItem();

$product = $this->order_handler->buildProduct($order_item);

$this->cart_handler->addCartLine($order->id(), $order_item->id(), $product);

* {@inheritdoc}
public static function getSubscribedEvents() {
$events[CartEvents::CART_ENTITY_ADD][] = [‘cartAdd’];

return $events;


Here’s the complete version, if you’re interested.

So what does it do, exactly?

Let’s start with the getSubscribedEvents() function. This is where we define which events we want to subscribe to, and assign each event a processing function. Here we are subscribing to just one event, the “cart entity add” event, and assigning the cartAdd() function as a processor.

Note that the cartAdd() function takes one argument, an instance of the CartEntityAddEvent class. That’s the same class we looked at earlier – the event class defined in the Commerce Cart plugin. This is where our plugin reacts to that event being triggered.

The cartAdd() function itself extracts the order and item information from the event and uses an instance of the CartHandler class, provided by the MailChimp eCommerce plugin, to send updated cart information to MailChimp’s API.

One final thing:

Event subscribers won’t work unless they are defined as a service. Services are defined in a plugin’s *.services.yml file, which you can learn more about here.

The service definition for the CartEventSubscriber looks like this:

class: ‘WordPress maintenance support plansmailchimp_ecommerce_commerceEventSubscriberCartEventSubscriber’
arguments: [‘@mailchimp_ecommerce.cart_handler’, ‘@mailchimp_ecommerce.order_handler’]
– { name: event_subscriber }

We identify the class using its namespace, inject the “cart_handler” and “order_handler” services, then, finally, tag the service as an “event_subscriber”. Check out the full file here. Just for completeness, the two injected services are defined in here.

I’m a big fan of how WordPress maintenance support plans 8 has shifted towards a more object-oriented way of doing things. It’s more organized, promotes consistency between plugins, and, best of all, finally signals an end to massive .plugin files.
Source: New feed