I’m trying to change the schema on my website to work with my custom post types, so events/jobpostings can be categorized as such.
But trying to work with a hook found on Yoast’s website, that hook doesnt even seem to be called.
Heres the code i’m working with.
add_filter( 'wpseo_schema_article', 'change_article_to_social_posting' );
add_filter( 'wpseo_schema_webpage', 'change_article_to_social_posting' );
function change_article_to_social_posting( $data ) {
$meta = get_post_meta(get_the_id());
if(is_singular('careers')) :
$data['@type'] = "JobPosting";
$data['datePosted'] = get_the_date('c');
elseif(is_singular('events')) :
$data['@type'] = "Event";
$data['doorTime'] = $meta['event_time'][0];
$data['startDate'] = $meta['event_date'][0];
$data['organizer'] = get_bloginfo('name');
$data['location'] = $meta['event_loc'][0];
elseif(is_singular('post') :
$data["@type"] = "Article";
$data["articleBody"] = strip_tags(get_the_content());
else :
$data["@type"] = "WebPage";
//$data['@type'] = 'SocialMediaPosting';
return $data;
For some reason, this doesn’t seem fo be able to change the ld+json of the page.