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Using Display Suite in Cheap WordPress maintenance support plans 8: How to Customize Content Pages

You’ve just installed a fresh WordPress maintenance support plans 8 website, created a few content types and attached fields to them. So far so good.

Now you want to customize the content pages. On the “Manage display” page you can re-order fields and disable them but you can’t move them into any type of region.

Display Suite enhances the “Manage display” page by offering a drag-and-drop interface for fields.

You can select different layouts and each layout has its own set of regions. The drag-and-drop interface then is used to move fields into these regions, all without writing a single line of code.

The real benefit in using Display Suite is you always have a standard workflow for modifying content pages.

If you’re working in a team, this is even more important; you want to standardize how entity types are customized. Or you’ll end up in a situation where each developer does things their own way.
Source: New feed