I post here, because for severals days, I’m trying to use the WHMCS Bridge plugin for WordPress and I’m encoutering an issue.
I think it’s maybe a misconfiguration of whmcs or wordpress.
This is my configuration :
Wordpress : 5.8.3
WHMCS Bridge : Free version 6.3
WHMCS : 8.3.1
This is my problem :
I configured the WHMCS bridge as following :
WordPress :
WHMCS URL : https://whmcs.mydomain.com
Scope WHMCS CSS : checked
jQuery library : WHMCS
Load WHMCS style : checked
Load WHMCS invoice style : checked
Footer : Site
WHMCS (server) :
Company Name My sweet company
Email Address billing@mydomain.com
Domain https://whmcs.mydomain.com
WHMCS System URL https://whmcs.mydomain.com/
System Theme : six
Maintenance Mode Disabled
Friendly URLs Basic URL's
This is my problem :
When I visit my integrated store : https://www.mywordpress.com/whmcs-bridge/
And I select a product , I’m redirecting on /whmcs-bridge/?ccce=cart, and the order summary block is empty.
And when I click on the button ‘Continue / order’, I’m redirecting on :
And visualy I have :
I have no idea to fix it . Could you help me ?