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Why is apache entry log not exhibiting GET requests associated to cron job?

In my wp-config.php, I’ve

outline('DISABLE_WP_CRON', true);

I’m on a Mac (Catalina), and if I run from the terminal crontab - l I see

* * * * * wget -q -O - ''; echo "wordpresscron" >> /somepath/stdout.log

In my log file, I see wordpresscron being echoed.

However once I view my apache entry log I do not see any GET requests associated to the cron.

Now, if I manually enter on the terminal

wget -q -O - ''

An entry will get written into the apache entry log.

So I simply cannot work out what’s going on. Appears my cron is working, however apache log isn’t exhibiting this…



Perhaps this has one thing to do with the truth that I’m altering the system time on my MAC to check the triggering of occasions?

As an example, check out this output exhibiting jobs which might be pending:

So there are some jobs to run. If I kind from the terminal

wp cron occasion run --due-now

These pending jobs all get instantly accomplished. I modified my crontab a bit, it’s now

* * * * * cd /sitefolder; wp cron occasion run --due-now; echo "ran cron" >> /customers/brian/websites/stdout.log

And I see ran cron being echoed to the log.

So I’m actually at a loss. It’s as if the cron is operating, and when the wp cron occasion run --due-now command is issued, it’s ignored, and I am unable to think about the situations below which it may be ignored when ran as a cron. Perhaps when ran as cron it’s being ignored as a result of it sees that I made a system time change (though I am unable to think about why that will trigger a command to be ignored). Or might it’s a bizarre permissons challenge, during which case at command line I’ve permissions to run wp cron occasion run --due-now, however the cron job in some way doesn’t have permission?

Anyway, that is driving me nuts.