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WooCommerce get_price returning wrong price when used via ajax

I’m working on a site that uses the Events Tickets plugin, and I need to get the price of a ticket (Woo product) by ID. I’m using wc_get_product( $ticketID )->get_price(); to to do this.

Adding the price to the page using the code below gives the correct price (e.g. 30):

echo '<input type="hidden" id="ticketpricetest" value="' . wc_get_product( 28612 )->get_price() . '">';

However, when I try and get the price using the same method within an Ajax call it returns 300:

function get_ticket_price() {
  $ticketID = $_REQUEST['ticketID'];
  echo wc_get_product( $ticketID )->get_price();
add_action( 'wp_ajax_get_ticket_price', 'get_ticket_price' );
add_action( 'wp_ajax_nopriv_get_ticket_price', 'get_ticket_price' );

I’ve also tried using get_regular_price but that also returns 300.

Any ideas what’s going on here?